Bentley Animal Hospital

Veterinary Pain Management in Fenton

As pet owners, we want our pets to live long, happy, and pain-free lives. However, just like humans, animals can experience pain and discomfort. It is important for pet owners to be aware of the signs of pain in their pets and to seek proper veterinary care.

The Importance of Veterinary Pain Management

Pain management is an essential aspect of animal wellness. Just like humans, animals can experience pain from a variety of sources such as injuries, illnesses, and chronic conditions. If left untreated, pain can have a negative impact on an animal’s overall health and well-being. It can also lead to behavioral changes, decreased mobility, and a decreased quality of life. That is why it is crucial for pet owners to work closely with their veterinarian to develop a pain management plan for their furry companions.

Acute Pain Management

Acute pain is defined as a sudden and intense pain that is typically caused by an injury or illness. This type of pain is short-term and usually resolves once the underlying cause is treated. Acute pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including surgery, trauma, infection, or inflammation.

Chronic Pain Management

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts for an extended period, typically longer than three months. Unlike acute pain, chronic pain is ongoing and can be difficult to manage. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including arthritis, nerve damage, or cancer.

Signs of a Pet in Pain

It can be challenging to determine if your pet is in pain, as they cannot verbally communicate their discomfort. However, there are some signs that pet owners can look out for that may indicate their pet is in pain. These signs include:

  • Changes in behavior: If your pet is usually active and suddenly becomes lethargic or withdrawn, it could be a sign of pain.
  • Decreased appetite: Pain can cause a loss of appetite in animals, leading to weight loss and other health issues.
  • Changes in posture or gait: If your pet is limping, favoring a certain leg, or having difficulty getting up or down, it could be a sign of pain.
  • Vocalization: Some animals may vocalize when they are in pain, such as whining, whimpering, or growling.
  • Changes in grooming habits: If your pet is not grooming themselves as often as usual, it could be a sign of pain. They may also over-groom a specific area that is causing them discomfort.
  • Aggression: Animals in pain may become more aggressive, especially if their pain is touched or manipulated.

If you notice any of these signs in your pet, it is essential to consult with us. We can perform a thorough examination and determine the cause of your pet’s pain.

Veterinary Care for Pain Management

We have a variety of tools and techniques to help manage pain in animals. It is crucial to work closely with us to develop a pain management plan that is tailored to your pet’s specific needs. We will also guide how to monitor your pet’s pain levels and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

  • Medications like NSAIDs may be used to provide relief for chronic pain.
  • Supplements such as glucosamine injections and chondroitin, may help improve joint health and reduce pain in animals with conditions like arthritis.
  • Solensia is a monthly injection administered at our office that can help control osteoarthritis pain in cats.
  • Laser Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses light energy to stimulate healing and reduce pain and inflammation. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including arthritis, and is safe for pets of all ages.

Join the Bentley Animal Hospital Family Today!

Phone: 636-225-4545

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